I am alive…

Hey Everyone!!

Yes it is 8th March and yes, indeed, it is International Women’s day. But my heart knows everyday is my day. It is actually amazing to feel that way. And I have an overflow of emotions waiting to tear out of me today, which I am absolutely Not willing to share with anyone. So here is what I am trying for the very first time in my own special way. A poem that will let the inner me speak and the depth of it be heard only by me.

I am Alive….

I am alive after all that has happened to me,
I am alive till where my journey has brought me,
I have lived the way others wanted for quite a bit,
But, I now have a life to live of my own.

I am alive for what all is destined for me,
I am alive because I want to achieve,
I am alive because I am a strong daughter,
And, I am alive because I still have love for love inside me.

I do not imagine my destination,
I know exactly where I have to reach,
It will take time, the struggle will kill me inside,
But, I am alive to experience that moment of truth.

A declaration of freedom it is not,
A promise of self love it certainly is.
It is crazy to be me, I know,
But, I am alive because I am ME.

I am alive because I want to smile,
I am alive because I want to make other loving beings smile.
I hope these words reach someone who really needs it,
I am alive because I still have love for love inside me.

I am grateful to almighty for the power he has given me. It feels so good to pour my heart out and, yet, still be smiling.

I am not an advocate of this day because I feel everyday is everyone’s day. So wishing everyone a very Happy International Women’s Day. 🙂

Let me know in comments how have you made yourself feel special today.

19 thoughts on “I am alive…

  1. Pingback: “The First year” – My blog turns 1 – Aarzoo Rose

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